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Friday, May 1, 2015

Powershell to list Content Database details for SharePoint Site Collection

Get the Content Database details for SharePoint Site Collection

Get-SPContentDatabase -Site 'http://sharepointsitecollectionurl/'

Id               : xxx1404-b716-xxxx-ba76-9746xxxx                                                                  
Name             : xxx                                                                                                       
WebApplication   : xxx                                                                                                                
Server           :           xxx                                                                                                       CurrentSiteCount : 1

Powershell to list all SharePoint Site Collections and subsites a web application

Get list of SharePoint Site Collections and SubSites

Get-SPSite 'http://sharepointwebapplicationurl/' | Get-SPWeb -Limit All

Powershell to list all SharePoint Site Collections in a web application

Get list of SharePoint Site Collections

Get-SPSite  -Limit All

Powershell to list all SharePoint databases and their sizes

Get list of SharePoint databases and their sizes

Get-SPDatabase | Sort-Object disksizerequired -desc | %{write-host  "Size: $($_.disksizerequired/1mb)MB - Database: $($_.Name)"}

The result will be listed down in the below format.

Size: 5237MB - Database: SharePoint_Config
Size: 3455MB - Database: UsageDB
Size: 2261MB - Database: SharePoint_AdminContent
Size: 204MB - Database: WebAnalyticsStagerDB
Size: 172MB - Database: Sync DB
Size: 155MB - Database: SearchDB_PropertyStore
Size: 6MB - Database: BusinessDataCatalogDB
Size: 3MB - Database: SecureStoreServiceAppDB
Size: 2MB - Database: StateServiceDB
Size: 2MB - Database: PerformancePointDB

Powershell to list all SharePoint Content Databases in the SharePoint Farm

Get list of all SharePoint Content Databases in the SharePoint Farm


Powershell to list all SharePoint Databases in the SharePoint Farm

Get list of SharePoint Databases in the SharePoint Farm
