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Friday, August 22, 2014

Connection strings for Analysis Services (SSAS) or OLAP

When you work with SharePoint and you want to establish connection with Analysis Services (SSAS) or Cubes you would need to generate connection strings to connect to the Data Source. Some sample connection strings are below: 


Data Source=myServerAddress;Catalog=myDataBase;

Encrypted Connection
This one authenticates the user and encrypts the communication. This is the highest level of security.

Data Source=myServerAddress;Catalog=myDataBase;ProtectionLevel=PktPrivacy;

Signed Connection
This one authenticates the user and prevents the content in the communication to be modified.

Data Source=myServerAddress;Catalog=myDataBase;ProtectionLevel=PktIntegrity;

Authenticated Connection
This one authenticates the user but does not secure the communication.

Data Source=myServerAddress;Catalog=myDataBase;ProtectionLevel=Connect;

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