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Thursday, June 18, 2015

Export sites, lists, or document libraries in SharePoint

We can export a site, list, or document library in SharePoint by using the SharePoint Central Administration website or Windows PowerShell.

Use Windows PowerShell to export a site, list, or document library in SharePoint
To export a site, list or document library by using Windows PowerShell you need to have the below permissions :
securityadminfixed server role on the SQL Server instance.
db_ownerfixed database role on all databases that are to be updated.

1) Start the SharePoint Management Shell.


Export-SPWeb -Identity <SiteURL> -Path <Path and File Name> [-ItemUrl <URL of Site, List, or Library>] [-IncludeUserSecurity] [-IncludeVersions] [-NoFileCompression] [-GradualDelete] [-Verbose]

Use Central Administration to export a site, list, or document library in SharePoint

Only export one site, list, or document library at a time.
To export a site, list, or document library by using Central Administration, verify that the user account that is performing this procedure is a member of the Farm Administrators group.

1) Start SharePoint Central Administration.

2) In Central Administration, on the home page, click Backup and Restore.

3) On the Backup and Restore page, in the Granular Backup section, click Export a site or list.

4) On the Site or List Export page, in the Site Collection section, select the site collection from the Site Collection list, and then select the site from the Site list.

5) If you are exporting a site, skip this step, Select the list or document library from the List list.

6) In the File Location section, in the Filename box, type the UNC path of the shared folder and the file to which you want to export the list or document library. The file name must use the .cmp extension.

7) If the file already exists and you want to use this file, select the Overwrite existing files check box. Otherwise, specify a different file name.

8) If you want to export all the security and permissions settings with the list or library, in the Export Full Security section, select the Export full security check box.

9) If you want to specify which version of the list or library to export, select one of the following versions from the Export versions list: All Versions , Last Major , Current Version , Last Major and Last Minor

10) When you have specified the settings that you want, click Start Export.

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